21st Century Accounting Help - Sales
Product List
Use Sales//Product List to set up and maintain a product list from which to select items when you enter invoices. You assign taxable and discountable status to each item, for defaulting on the invoice.
You can set up also create "items" that are services your company provides.
You can optionally assign G/L accounts to items for posting the sale price when you put an item on an invoice. In conjunction with flexible account structures, this feature provides cost center tracking at a detailed level.
If you use price breaks, you can create up to five price levels for an item or service. For example, an item may be priced by quantity or by type of sale, like this:
Unit of measure |
Each |
Box |
Case |
Unit of |
Retail |
Wholesale |
Distributor |
A service, such as rental of a piece of equipment, may be priced like this:
Unit of measure |
Hour |
Day |
Week |
Month |
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