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21st Century Accounting Help - Payroll/Reports

Custom Pay Summary

Use Payroll/Print/Custom Pay Summary to preview or export the custom reports you create with Payroll/Configure/Custom Pay Summary. Options for selecting a range of pay periods and for sorting and summarizing the data give you additional control over the output.

The options for summarizing have the following results:  If you check the Summarize box beside the secondary sort field, all report records for the sort category specified in this sort field will be summarized into a single line in the report/export. 

Example 1.  The report is to be printed by Pay Period then by Employee, for all employees and for a range of pay periods. With Summarize unchecked, a line will be printed for each employee for the first pay period, then a line for each employee for the next pay period, and so on. If Summarize is checked, the report will only contain one line for each pay period, with the data for all employees summarized into a single line.  Such a report could be useful to show total payroll expenses and liabilities for the selected pay periods, without showing individual employee details. 

Example 2.  The report is sorted by Employee then by Pay Period.  In that case, with Summarize unchecked, the report would show one line for each pay period for the first employee, one line for each pay period for the next employee, and so on.  If Summarize is checked, the pay periods are summarized, and the resulting report would show a single line per employee showing the total numbers for the range of pay periods for the employee.  This type of summarization could be used to show monthly summary numbers for employees for a set of pay factors, simply by choosing only the pay periods for that month.

Selection Options

You can preview or export All or selected data depending on your entries at the following fields:

  • All or selected Employees
  • A range of Pay period IDs

Sort Options

All companies can sort the data by Employee ID and Pay period ID.  Companies with Payroll "departments" can also sort by department.  You can select the first sort when two sort options are available.  You can select the primary and secondary sort options when three sort options are available.
You can sort the data by one of the following fields.

  • Employee ID, then Pay period ID
  • Pay period ID, then Employee ID
  • Department


If you check the Summarize box beside the secondary sort field, all report records for the sort category specified in the secondary sort field will be summarized into a single line in the report/export.

If you select Summarize at any level, the Subtotal option at the next higher level is automatically disabled. 


Check the Subtotal box beside the secondary (and third, if available) sort field to subtotal all report records for the sort category specified in the sort field into a single line in the report.  Disabled if Summarize is selected at a lower level.


  • Preview.  Use the Preview button to display the report on the screen. 
  • Print. Use the Print button to print the report to the currently selected printer.  (If the Print button is dimmed, the Print function is not implemented.)
  • Export.  Use the Export button to export the data from the selected report to a comma-separated value (CSV) file.  You can then import the data into a spreadsheet or other application for review and further manipulation.
  • Select Printer. To select a different printer from the currently selected printer, use the Select Printer button and choose a printer from the list of printers.

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