21st Century Accounting Help - Payroll/Electronic Filing
TX Workforce Commission Quarterly Report
Texas TWC Quarterly Report
To generate the Texas TWC Quarterly Report (the Texas Tax Employer's Quarterly Report [the C-3 equivalent]) correctly, make sure that TX SUTA is a system-defined (not user-defined) tax. Payroll generates the TWC Quarterly Report from amounts posted to the system-defined factor for TX SUTA.
TWC account number
The TWC account number is the TX SUTA Reporting ID. If the correct number is not displayed for the TWC account number, run Configure/Taxes, select TX SUTA, and change the Reporting ID to your TWC account number.
Close and reopen the TWC Quarterly Report window to see the change. The correct TWC account number is required in the electronic file and must be displayed in the TWC account number field to generate a file that will be accepted by the TWC.
Producing the Electronic Report
- Changing Employer Company Info. If you want to change the company name, Tax ID, or company address for submitting the electronic file this time only, make the changes in this window. To change this information permanently, edit the company information in the Configure Company window, then close and reopen the report window to display the changes.
- Complete and Process. Complete the fields in the window and click the Process button to generate the electronic file, ready to submit to the tax authority. If the notes/exceptions text file indicates any problems, use the information to correct errors before you produce the final file for submission.
Where Is the File?
Processing generates the electronic file and automatically puts the file in the data directory of the company. The system shows you where the file will be put and the name of the file near the top of the electronic filing window at "Output file."
Back Up the Electronic File
Whether you submit the electronic file on a disk or online, back up the file that you submit before you submit it. If the file is damaged in transit, you may only have to resend it. The file is backed up in the course of backing up your company. Be sure to run System/Company/Backup/Restore/Backup on the company after the file is generated. Move the backup off your hard drive to a safe place.
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