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21st Century Accounting Help - System/Company


Use System/Company/Create to create a new company.  The Create command sets up a new company's data structures in the data folder (directory) in the 21st Century Accounting folder (directory) on the computer drive where the 21st Century Accounting software is installed.

You can create a new "empty" company from scratch or you can select a model company upon which to base the created company.  Some sample configurations have been set up in each model company, which you can edit, delete, and add to, as required by the business.

Model Company Charts of Accounts

Each model company contains a Chart of Accounts that reflects the type of business.  Click the Preview COA button to review the Chart of Accounts of the selected model company before you actually create the company.

Fiscal Year

The system prompts for a fiscal year start date and the number of fiscal periods. The system sets up a financial calendar based on your entries for start date and number of periods in the newly created company. 

To Review and Further Customize

To customize your company and to review the company-required accounts (such as retained earnings), use the General Ledger/Configure/Company command. To further customize your financial calendar, use the General Ledger/Configure/Financial Calendar command. To customize your account structure, use the Edit Structure button in the General Ledger/Configure/Chart of Accounts window.  Run the Configuration commands to review the sample configurations.

Use System/Company/Create to create a new company.  The Create command sets up a new company's data structures in the data folder (directory) in the 21st Century Payroll folder (directory) on the computer drive where the 21st Century Payroll software is installed.

Created Company Chart of Accounts

Each new company imports the ledger accounts from the Adagio ledger database you identify in the Create Company window.  (You will be able to view the imported accounts in the Accounts/Chart of Accounts window.) 

Created Company Fiscal Year

The system sets up a financial calendar in the newly created company. 

To Edit Company Information

To enter and edit your company 's tax ID, name, address, and optional company password, use the Accounts/Configure Company command.

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