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21st Century Accounting Help - System/Company/Export

System/Company/Export/Financial Data

Use System/Company/Export/Financial Data to export period activity or budget data generated by any Financial Report Template. This allows you to send raw period data for any range of periods to a spreadsheet or database for any type of analysis you wish.

You can export in either comma-separated-value (CSV) or Tabbed format, and you select a destination folder for the exported file. You can choose wheter to export header records and report captions, you select the type of activity (period or budge), you choose all periods or a range of periods, and you pick a template. The template determines which categories and accounts are exported.

Press the Export button to export the data (or press the Restore button to return the window to the selections in effect when you opened it).

You can then import the exported financial data into a spreadsheet for analysis.

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