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21st Century Accounting Help - System/Company/Export

System/Company/Export/Customer Mail Merge Information

Use System/Company/Export/Customer Mail Merge Information to export customer contact name, company name, address, and current or past due amounts. This allows you to send customer overdue account information to a spreadsheet or database for analysis and for preparing letters to customers for dunning, for announcements, and for other puproses.

Customer Mail Merge Information provides account information that is not provided by the Customer Contact Information export, which exports only customer names and addresses.

You can export Customer Mail Merge Information in CSV or Tabbed format and you select a destination folder for the exported file. You can choose whether to export header records.

Press the OK button to export the data.

You can then import the exported customer data into a spreadsheet for analysis and into a mail merge program for preparing past due notices or other announcements to customers.

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