Using the System/Company/Verify module

Using the System/Company/Verify module

Postby Customer Service » January 24th, 2012, 7:40 pm

To use the System»Company»Verify module do the following:

1. Have all workstations except one exit out of C21.
2. Make a backup of your current company, just as a precaution.
3. Go to the System»Company»Verify command. Select your company, if necessary.
4. Choose appropriate verifications from the list:

    Verify low level file structure
    Verify A/P Summary Information
    Verify A/R Summary Information
    Verify Sales analysis journal
    Run Custom Repair
    Verify document number initial values
    Verify payroll voided checks
    Verify document numbers
    Check for references to deleted items
    Verify void invoice applied amounts
    Verify A/R Summary information
    Verify account IDs
    Verify payroll for 'unselected' checks
    Rebuild selection files
    Verify terminated employee accrual YTD entries
    Verify A/R and A/P transaction dates

5. Click on the “Process” button
Customer Service
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Joined: November 15th, 2011, 1:04 am

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