G/L Departmentalization

G/L Departmentalization

Postby Customer Service » January 14th, 2012, 4:53 am

How to turn off departmentalization of payroll:

Company payroll is set to “Departmentalize by General Ledger Account Segment”.

Once payroll departmentalization has been set, you cannot go back and change the selection. However, it is possible to effectively turn off GL departmentalization manually by configuring every pay factor to NOT have the “post to employee department” button checked. The expenses will be posted ONLY to the account specified in the factor configure screen.

Turn on G/L Departmentalization:

Remove? Is this still relevant?

Do you want to do something different (more?) from what was done in BPI? C21 supports the same manual pay distribution capability as BPI. If you were using that in BPI, the employee G/L account distribution information should have been converted and you should see the G/L accounts and percentages, if applicable, on the Distribution tab in Calculate Payroll. If you don't have a Distribution tab, go to Payroll/Configure/Company Information and be sure the 'Allow manual distribution of earnings?' box is checked. Once set up, the program will remember the accounts and type of distribution from pay period to pay period. Remove? C21 does have a departmentalization feature that goes beyond manual pay distribution. This support will automatically determine departmentalized G/L account numbers to post to based on an employee's department setup. Unlike manual pay distribution, where you specify the distribution of income factor expenses, this departmentalization support will automatically allocate expenses and liabilities for taxes and deductions as well as income factor expenses. There are ways that you can totally disable the automatic allocation on specified factors. Mainly, I would want to be sure you are not taken by surprise by the allocation of taxes and deductions.

Sspecifying this G/L departmentalization feature is not currently supported for converted BPI companies. We have been working on some changes to allow users to “freely” change the Payroll “departmentalization” between 'none', 'by category' and 'by GL account segment'. We anticipate including this capability in a C21 update sometime this year. At this time a fair amount of testing has been done on the support for changing from 'by category' to 'by GL account segment', which sounds like what you would want to do. The changes have worked properly in the cases tested. I can send you the changes to implement this support in your installation.

It must be understood that this is essentially “beta software”, and you would be taking some risk. We would strongly recommend that you initially change the configurations on test copies of your companies and do some validation that the results are correct before continuing. Also, it would be advisable to go through at least 1 test payroll cycle to be sure the results are what you are anticipating.
Customer Service
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