Instructions for Recovering Data
Recover from a Backup or a Copy
The 21st Century Accounting System/Company/Recover procedure can usually recover your data into a "new," error-free company.
You need a backup or copy that was made before you noticed the damage.
If you make backups with 21st Century Accounting System/Company/Backup/Restore, first restore your backup IN ITS OWN DIRECTORY OR USING A NAME DIFFERENT FROM YOUR COMPANY'S NAME. In other words, be careful not to restore the backup on top of the current company. Make sure the restored backup is valid* before you run Recover.
If your backup procedure is to copy the company to a secure location with System/Company/Copy, locate the copy. Make sure the copy is valid before you run Recover.
A valid backup from before the damage occurred is a restored backup or a copy that you can successfully use. On the restored backup or copy--
- You can successfully run the reports that cause problems on your current (presumably damaged) data, indicating that the backup data is not damaged.
- You can successfully run System/Company/Verify, "Verify low-level file structures" without any unrepaired errors (check the box to "Repair damage if possible").
Because of user interface changes from 2.2 to 2.3, instructions for both versions are provided. If you need help finding your serial number, click here.
Version 2.3 and later
Recover from a Copy of the Company
Follow these steps:
- Open System/Company/Recover.
- In the Recover Company window, select the damaged company at "Company to recover."
- Click Copy in the "Recover from" panel.
Click the Browse button, select the copy that you previously made of the company or the valid backup you have restored, and click OK. A message tells you that the current data in the company you selected to recover will be replaced by the "new" data (from the copy).
- Click OK to continue.
If you see the Checkpoint dialog and have a recent Checkpoint backup, select the Checkpoint file and click OK. If you have not performed a recent Checkpoint, leave the dialog blank and click OK.
- The batches to repost (those entered since you backed up, copied, or checkpointed the company) are automatically selected. Click the Post button.
- Click Done when posting is completed.
Version 2.0 - 2.2
Recover from a Copy of the Company
- Open System/Company/Recover.
- In the first Recover Company window, select the damaged company.
- In the second Recover Company window, check Copy.
A message tells you that the damaged data in the company you selected will be replaced.
- Press OK to continue.
- Select the copy that you previously made of the company or the valid backup you have restored.
Recover copies the existing company and, by default, automatically copies the company's posted.cpz file to a temporary subdirectory and displays the batches in that file.
- If you have a recent Checkpoint backup, select the Checkpoint file and click OK. If you have not performed a recent Checkpoint, leave the Checkpoint selection blank and click OK.
- The batches to repost (those entered since you backed up, copied, or checkpointed the company) are automatically selected. Click the Post button.
- Click Done when posting is completed.