
21st Century Payroll for Adagio Tutorials - Payroll

Filing TWC in 21st Century Payroll for Adagio

21st Century Payroll for Adagio uses QuickFile to upload your TWC report. You will need to set this up with the Texas Workforce Commission.

QuickFile provides a procedure that checks your electronic file to make sure that the format is acceptable to the TWC and that data, such as sums, are correct. If your electronic file passes the validation tests, QuickFile will then guide you through the process of sending the electronic file to the TWC.

You will need to do the following before you can file TWC through 21st Century Payroll for Adagio:

  1. In 21st Century Payroll for Adagio, make sure that TX SUTA is a system-defined (not user-defined) tax. Payroll generates the TWC Quarterly Report from amounts posted to the system-defined factor for TX SUTA.
  2. Set up to use QuickFile on the TWC website.
  3. In Adagio PR, run Payroll/Configure/Taxes and select TX SUTA. Enter your TWC Tax Account Number in the Reporting ID box. This number must be in the TWC Quarterly Report electronic file.
The steps you see below may not coincide exactly with the QuickFile procedures on the TWC site. TWC pages change at times without notice.

To set up for QuickFile submission ( a one-time task)

Obtain a TWC Internet User ID:

  1. Browse to the Texas Workforce Commission web site.
  2. On the TWC home page, click Business and Employers: File and Pay Unemployment Taxes (or whatever appears to be the equivalent).
  3. Under Logon Options to File Reports, Pay Taxes & More, click Sign up for a TWC Internet User ID.
  4. Fill out the form and make note of your User ID and Password.

Install QuickFile on your computer:

  1. Return to the main TWC home page (texasworkforce.org).
  2. Click Business & Employers. (You can also find QuickFile by performing a search in the search box at the top right of the page.)
  3. Click Unemployment Tax.
  4. Under Explore All Wage Filing & Tax Payment Options, click Find all wage reporting options.
  5. Scroll down to the section Online Using QuickFile.
  6. Click QuickFile Wage Reporting Program and follow the instructions for acquiring QuickFile.
  7. Install QuickFile on your computer.

To submit a report

  1. Run Payroll/Electronic Filing/TX Workforce Commission Qrtly Report.
  2. Make sure that the correct Tax Year and Quarter are entered and click Process.
  3. Open QuickFile.
  4. Click ECESA format. Click Find and Select File. The file should be located in your C21 data folder under company/magmed/TX (company indicates the name of your company) under year and quarter you are filing.
  5. Click Validate.
  6. Click the Send button.
  7. Your internet browser will automatically open to the TWC login page. Enter your ID and password and follow the instructions. You will need to make your payment seperately. Follow the instructions on the TWC page for this procedure.

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