Reinstalling 21st Century Payroll for Adagio
If you have to reinstall 21st Century Payroll for Adagio into your existing environment for some reason, such as after a hard drive failure, use the following guidelines to get restarted.
[NOTE: Do not try to copy the 21st Century Application files from one place to another. As with almost all Windows applications, you must reinstall from the original media in order to get the proper registry entries and to make sure all the support files are placed where the application expects to find them.]
If you are reinstalling a Adagio PR workstation computer (as opposed to the main Adagio PR server computer), then perform a “Client” install during the installation process. After that, the computer should be ready to use again.
Otherwise, perform a “Full” install during the installation process, and then proceed to the following steps. (Note: in the following steps the “\adagiopr” folder refers to the main installation folder name you chose. The default and typical name is “\adagiopr”.
After you have installed from your latest full installation CD, then download and install the latest cumulative (all changes) update, available from our website.
If you have a full, current copy of your old \adagiopr\data folder, then copy/restore it to the new location. Your company data and the system settings are in the adagiopr\data folder.
Otherwise, if you have a copy of the \adagiopr\data folder from any point in time, restore it to use as a starting point.
Transferring company information
Transfer the “\adagiopr\data” and “\adagiopr\reports\custom” folders (as discussed in the section above) to your new installation.
If for some reason you are not able to transfer your current information from these folders, then review and perform the following steps, as applicable:
1. Review user IDs and Access Control settings and create any new ones you need.
2. If you have any Payroll user-defined taxes, review them and create any new ones you need. User defined taxes must have the same names that they had in the previous Adagio PR. Thus, it is essential that you select and save user defined taxes from your old installation before you select companies for the first time. Company selection can alter user tax names beyond your ability to repair. If necessary, make a temporary copy of your company(s) to review the name(s) used in Payroll/Configure/Taxes. Otherwise, if you have a copy of the \adagiopr\data folder from any point in time, restore it to use as a starting point.
3. If you have a copy of the “\adagiopr\reports\custom” folder from any point in time, restore that to use as a starting point.
Add-ons and Payroll Tax Updates
If you use payroll, install the latest Payroll Tax Update (available on our website), which is cumulative for each year, so you'll be running the current year's Payroll tax calculations.
If you purchased any Add-on products for the 21st Century Payroll for Adagio program, such as Tax Form Kit, Direct Deposit, Report Customizer, Remote Connect, etc., then you need to install those products separately from the CD or installer file you received from us.
Restore Window Defaults to avoid any issues with command window visibility.You can re-size and reposition command windows as desired as you use the program.
If you have the Report Customizer and/or were using any custom form or report definitions, then those definitions would have existed in the \adagiopr\reports\custom folder of your previous installation.
In a new installation you will need to create a “custom” folder. If you have a copy of the contents of that folder then copy those files into your new installation.
Review Preferences
1. Run the System/Company/Preferences command. You should review the settings on all tabs in any case. If you have restored custom forms and/or report definitions (see step #3), then especially go to the “Forms” tab, click on the “Refresh” button and then set all the form choice selections as needed.
2. You should Preview the form layouts and possibly print test pages to make sure the definitions match your current needs.
3. If you did not have a current copy of the “\adagiopr\data” folder to restore (see step #3), then carefully review the other tabs, especially the “Doc. number formats” tab. You want those settings to be correct before you post new transactions
4. The program saves printer selections for each Adagio PR user ID. Each user should run the System/Select Printer and System/Company/Preference : Forms tab commands to make sure the printer selections are appropriate. In the select printer window, verify or select the correct printer and click OK to exit the window whether you changed the selected printer or not, to make sure the selection is registered in the new environment.